Thriving Career Moms

Changing Careers – From Moms Who Successfully Did It

If you’ve considered making a career change, you’re not alone. Making the leap takes guts and a lot of hard work. That’s why we are happy to announce our first series “Changing Careers – From Moms Who Successfully Did It.

This time, we asked two moms what finally pushed them to turn that dream into a reality, plus how they did it.

From corporate sales career to High School Teacher

Alyssa Sullivan, Massachusetts, USA

“You are not average, you are not mediocre, you are excellent. You deserve all the joy, love, and success in the world. Go get it!”

Alyssa is 37-year-old and is a mom of three (9-5-3 years old), from Massachusetts, USA. She has been a high school Health Education teacher at a vocational and agricultural high school for the past 4 years.

When was the “moment” you realized you want to change your career?

“When I was 30, I was working in sales and marketing for a Fortune 50 company. I was by all societal definitions successful. I met and achieved sales goals, won awards, and made a great income. At the same time as I was experiencing this at work, my home-life was crumbling. I felt stuck in an abusive marriage, I had a 2-year-old child who I felt I needed to protect from the violence in my household, and I felt awful about myself as a human being.”

“One night, in early spring, there was an event of violence that my young child witnessed, and he looked up at me and said ‘Mommy, I need you’. That was the catalyst for me ending the relationship and starting on my own. In that time after my marriage ended and before my career change, I grew so much personally”

“I worked on improving my self-esteem, finding my worth, and valuing myself more than I ever had in my first 30 years. There was always something missing that I could never put a finger on. I was still suffering extreme anxiety and having panic attacks regularly. I chalked it up to the trauma I had overcome and tried to carry on. Although I was successful in my career, I never felt fulfilled. I was always chasing after a goal that I could never reach. I felt like I was in a race where, as soon as I could see the finish line, they would move it up another mile. I was also doing a lot of reading and research into abusive relationships and trying to figure out why and how I had found myself in one.”

“I wanted other people to know the warning signs, know the risks, know how to get out. I felt pulled to take action. I spoke with my partner about this passion and he urged me to follow my heart. I had a revelation that all the skills I would have needed should have been taught to me in a Health Education class, which was not a mandatory course at my high school.”

“With my partner’s encouragement, I finished my degree and licensing and started looking for jobs. I was now pregnant with my third child and really anxious to make the career change. She was due in September, so I decided to set a goal to get hired after her 1st birthday. I worked on my resume the summer before she was born and uploaded it to the SchoolSpring website. I started getting calls right away. Although I was sure no one would hire me at 8 months pregnant, I interviewed anyway, just for the experience. I was hired right away. I even had my baby on the first day of classes for students that year and my employer accommodated my leave.”

What helped you the most to get there?

Having a partner who valued me as a professional. I would not have had the courage to change careers without his support and love. Also, working on my personal growth was essential to successfully change careers.”

“I read a book called ‘You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life’ by Jen Sincero and it helped me gain self-confidence and skills to increase my own success.”

What difference changing your career made in your life?

“It has made every difference in the world in my life. Yes, I make significantly less money as a public school teacher, but you can’t put a price on happiness. I come to work happy and excited every day and leave feeling energized. I am a better mom and spouse at home because I am not stressed and overworked.

“I now spend my days talking to young people about all of the topics I wish I knew about when I was their age and teaching them the practical skills to lead a healthy and happy life. And I will say that I have found true success; the balance between having a career that I am passionate about that also allows me to spend stress-free time with my family.”

What would you tell Mamas who feel stuck and are thinking about changing careers?

“Create a plan and work that plan. Set small goals and work their goals every single day. People who achieve success create goals that are centered around their passions and values. They wake up every day with those passions, values, and goals in mind. Every word they speak and action they take is based on their goal. You can make the change, but you have to have motivation and determination to get there. Do not settle for a life that is any less than amazing.”

From Retail Banking to Recruiter

Araea Minnow, New York State, USA

“Taking risk is a part of life, not every risk will always turn out being the best decision, but nothing is ever wasted.”

Araea is based in the Hudson Valley part of New York State, USA, married with a 4-year-old son. She came from Retail Banking and although she’s doing well, she knew that she was capable of more. She decided to change her career because she realized she was not happy, and after receiving a LinkedIn message about an open opportunity, her husband encouraged her to take the conversation and it ended up being a game-changer.

When was the “moment” you realized you want to change your career?

“The most pivotal moment for me was when, during a coaching session, I was told that I needed to ‘tone myself down.’ Right then, I knew I needed a move. No one should ever tell you that you need to dull your sparkle– and I firmly believe that. It is important to find somewhere that plays on your strengths.”

What helped you the most to get there?

“There could be many answers to this. My husband was very supportive of a career change. He knew I was not thrilled with my current career and a change was needed.”

“My son deserved a mom who chased after what she wanted. It will set a good example for him in the future. Truly though, at the end of the day, YOU have to believe in YOURSELF. A career change is a big one, and you must trust your gut to make the right decision.” -Aaea Minnow

What difference changing your career made in your life?

“If you are not good at home, your work will be a reflection of that. If your work life is leaving you empty, you are coming home trying to fill the void and vice versa. That being said, not every job is going to be “it” for you. Find purpose in a career, and it will lead you to be better in your life. A better you equal a better mom, and I can fully attest to that.”

Her advice for Mamas who feel stuck and are thinking about changing careers?

“Are you a go-getter? Do you want a better life for not only you but your kids? Will it give you even more purpose? Then go for it! Driven hard-working people will always find a job, so do not be afraid to try something new, knowing you can make a shift when needed.”

4 thoughts on “Changing Careers – From Moms Who Successfully Did It”

  1. So proud of the women Araea is! She is not only passionate and paving a way to always better and challenge herself but she is also the biggest giver and encourager to help you reach your goals and potential to!

  2. Araea is determined and passionate young professional . So is also loving & caring, it is always challenging to balance life, work and family. Keep up the great work!!!

  3. Pingback: Changing Careers - Going Back To School And Making It Happen - Thriving Career Moms

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