Thriving Career Moms

We help career-changing women and mothers returning to work after maternity leave secure the right job for a fulfilling life.

We help moms pursue their professional dreams and lead a calmer, happier, family life.

Who do we help?

Are you a Mama who desires to be a good mom to her kids and be content personally and professionally?

You know that having a successful career will make you a better mom, but at the moment, you feel overwhelmed and confused about how to find the right career you would love, that would fulfill you and leverage your strengths as well as give you the flexibility you need to be there for your children. 

You are NOT ALONE! We know how you feel – we also know how talented you are and that you have dreams which YOU DESERVE to have while still enjoying motherhood and your children.

Here at Thriving Career Moms, we believe that every Mama deserves to live in harmony

Our mission is to empower moms like you to pursue their career aspirations with confidence and clarity without having to sacrifice their families or live with overwhelm.


How can we help you?

I work with my clients on 3 key areas.


You know that you want to work & grow professionally, however you’re not sure what career path is right for you, now that your priorities shifted. 

Maybe you discovered that your previous job doesn’t give you the flexibility you want, or that you are unhappy in your day-to-day tasks which makes you question if it is worth it.

I help you dig deeper to get clear on your vision and find a career aligned with your values and definition of success.



That feeling of “I’m not enough”. You know it. You live it.  You often think do I have what it takes to be in that position? Can I outperform? Does it fit with my family responsibilities? 

Confidence is key, and that’s where our support come to help you show up in your best version and get a “YES” for what you ask for

With my help, you will get to build up on your strengths, master your online presence and much more. 


After working on identifying your ideal career target and your unique value to employers, it’s time to get out there and connect with the right people.

Leveraging the power of your network, and building intentional relationships, is the secret to career exponential growth.

Together we will create your networking plan and explore the networking strategies that work best for you. And of course we will work on any networking barrier, because let’s admit we all have some networking barriers, so that you have the right mindset.

Our thriving moms experience

Hi, I'm Sarah

A Certified Career Coach, with 6 years + in Tech Industry, living in Berlin,  and I’m a busy mom, just like you, especially as I live far away from my family.

 Years ago, I was right where you are now, feeling stuck, not knowing what is the right choice that will help me be happy as a woman, wife and mom. I did not like my job and I struggled to find time to work on my skills or look for another job.

Something needed to happen. And so I did.

The journey of changing my career taught me a lot and I’m so happy with the decision I made but it couldn’t be possible without the community support I got.

I know Mama, you don’t want to give up on that ambitious woman in you, but you also want to hold on your child hands and be there.

That’s why I’m here to help you get clarity and advance your career and life with confidence so that you enjoy happier days with your family.

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