Our actions are so powerful. They can either help to create the lives we truly desire or keep us from the lives we dream of.
“When you align with your purpose, life becomes a beautiful experience. What once seemed dark, challenging, and painful now becomes luminous, easy, loving, and meaningful… ”
~ Luminita D. Saviuc
That’s why it is important to align with your purpose, with what you really want.
But what does that mean, exactly? And how the heck are you supposed to do it?
About two weeks ago, I met a mom, and we were talking about our careers and motherhood journey. And then we speak, she said that she is stuck on deciding and finding a way to find the ultimate job that she wants. She told me about the different pieces of training that she is doing. And a lot of things that she is trying to do. And so, I asked her out of curiosity, “what do you love to do? What do you want?”. And she answered, “I don’t know, I wish I did.”
The one step ahead of that we should take when we feel that we don’t know what we want is to take the courage to dig deeper in our inner selves and get out the strongest desires that we want in life.
So, when she answered me like that, I started asking her what she studied, her first job, and why she chose that career first.
I found out that she studied literature and, later on, tourism. And I won’t forget how her face light up when she talked about one specific experience. Because that experience was something that she wanted to do, it was very connected to her purpose.
And why am talking about this?
Because we often hide our desires, even from ourselves. We always focus on what we don’t know or avoid going after what we want. So when we shift our perspective to what we enjoy the most, it will show how happy and satisfied we are.
Because when we shift our perspective on how we look into things, and instead of focusing on what we don’t know and what we don’t like to have in our lives, we start to see things differently. And the purpose here is to connect and realign with your purpose in life because I know in every one of us, there is something that we are meant to become.
So ask yourself, what are those moments that you enjoy most? What’s the thing that when you are doing, you are feeling pleased?
And when we go through motherhood, we are faced with making a lot of decisions and become more unsure because we have to face a lot of beliefs from other people on what the role of a mother should be: how you should behave, how you should take care of your kids, and how we will handle motherhood while working.
Another thing that’s holding us back from going after what we really want is fear.
We are afraid that our desire might not be beneficial to us. For example, it might not help us financially. And so we just avoid going through the process of asking ourselves what makes us happy and going after it.
But it is important to know what we really want in life, to be able to align with our purpose and enjoy everything that we do. So from that, we start to dig deeper on how to be able to achieve that.
That process is a lot of work. And I went through it myself. At first, when I finished my studies, like everybody else, they need to get a job immediately regardless of if that’s something they like. Because having a job after finishing studies is something that people expect.
And when I finally started working, I didn’t find myself satisfied. Something was missing, and I began to struggle to decide what I should do and the direction I had to go on. And because of this, it took me so much time, but Thriving Career Moms, you will be able to communicate, be supported, and be guided through the simple assessment to clear on the direction you want to go.
So after realigning yourself with your purpose and discovering what you want, act on this. Think of ways to achieve those because that will bring you more joy in your life and take you closer to this.
Of course, there will be obstacles along the way. We will have fears. It’s like when you see a mountain, all you can think of is how high it is and how hard it is to reach the top.
Instead of thinking about that, focus on what you can do. What skill do you have that can help you achieve your purpose?
But how can you do that?
Think of what you want and list all the ways how you can achieve it. It doesn’t have to take too much of your time. For example, if you want to write a book, start slowly, maybe 15 minutes a day.
Take action, and you will be able to gain clarity and discover what will make you happier. And even if you fail, don’t lose hope and continue to take action.
As they say, one step at a time and keep on going.
Eventually, you will wake up each morning feeling great. You will come home feeling fulfilled. You won’t feel like you are lost in the woods. Your motivation will soar high.
Speaking of motivation. Check my blogpost on How to Wake Up Feeling Motivated Every Morning 🙂
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