Thriving Career Moms

The Right Way to Make a Career Transition

The Right Way to Make a Career Transition

Finding the right career for you will allow you to find fulfillment and happiness.

Three years ago, I went through a hard time transitioning my career from being a software developer to a data scientist, and even moving from country to country, in order to get my first job.

The journey that I went through is really a learning process and that’s what I want to share with you.

Whether or not you are pursuing a passion or side hustle, confused about quitting your job for a new one, or just looking for a change, know that it’s not a straightforward decision. It requires careful planning and thinking.

“It’s never too late to try something new.”
So before you switch to something new, do your research and follow these five steps:
Identify your ideal job

Dig deep in yourself, it’s very important that you do something that you love doing, you don’t have to apply yourself to do a work you don’t like because you will feel drained every day you go, it will be harder to focus. 

The simplest way to conduct this self-assessment is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s my goal?
  • If I keep doing what I am doing today, will I get closer to my ultimate goal?
  • How is my ideal work schedule?

Approach your self-assessment with awareness and curiosity.

Assess and focus on one thing

It’s important to assess your past experiences in order to identify your interests and skills. Review the roles you have enjoyed performing in the past, including jobs and activities.

Examine all of the many career paths available to you and then focus on one thing.

Don’t just try to spread your energy, especially as a mom, you have limited time. SO focusing on one thing will give you better results. 

Make an action plan and set your goal

Once you have decided what you want to do in your next position, you need to set specific goals and map out a plan to get you there, including target dates. 

You have to set your priorities and goals correctly. 

You’ll also need to schedule time for writing your resume.

Have a clear mindset

When transiting careers, know it will take time.

One of the most important things to know is that it can take time to make a move from one career to another. Be patient with yourself, and give yourself rewards when you achieve certain milestones along the way. And take rejections as a challenge to do better.

Don’t beat yourself up if you think you should have made a change earlier. Embrace the opportunity now, and look for the right new path.

Grow your network

The first step to a career change is to build a strong network of people in your current and desired industries. You absolutely must get to know passionate and successful people working within that new field of interest.

These people can serve as a sort of advisory board to provide advice and guidance for your new job search. Even more importantly, they can often connect you with hiring managers and point you in the direction of open positions.

Look for additional ways to build your network by connecting with professional groups in person and online. Push yourself to get out there and attend networking events, ask for advice, and meet a variety of new people.

One way to do this is doing an informational interview and ask the right questions. Ask them about the skills needed to succeed in the industry. What do the next 10 years in this industry look like? What would an industry professional recommend to someone who wants to get started in this particular career path? These kinds of questions can provide you with needed insight for your next steps.

A career transition can be a long and difficult process, but the payoff can be wonderful once you land a new position.

Don’t stay at the same old job that makes you unhappy or leaves you feeling underappreciated. Make a change, and you’ll boost your confidence, happiness, and potentially your income.

Did I mention informational interview? Read more on “How an Informational Interview Can Boost Your Job Search”

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